Tuesday, 2 March 2010

On The Move

Hello everybody!

So so sorry for the lack of activity on here.
I have been up the wall the past few weeks packing up my flat and preparing to move. It's taken a lot of time and stress but I'm now settled into my new place and ready to get back to blogging.

So, my new place is further away from the city centre but, oddly enough, thanks to those things called trains it's going to be quicker and easier for me to get to work from here!

I've been job hunting like mad for the past few months and I'm really starting to feel down about the lack of development in that area. Seems like right now is the worst time to find a new job and I really kind of need it. Grrrr!

In other news, I may soon be a proud mummy to an adorable little kitten. Been speaking to a lady who's cat is expecting so fingers crossed on that :)

Other than that my life has been incredibly boring of late.

I did manage to get my hands on one of the extremely slippery Alice In Wonderland palettes from Urban Decay! It's soooo pretty :)

Not had much time or funding to spare on my makeup habit lately. Hence a new job would be incredibly helpful and I wouldn't feel like I was scraping by each month!

Hmmm, what else?

Oh yes, I am in the middle of setting up an online business of sorts. I aim to have a vintage clothing website up and running in the next few months. Already put some work in on the design of the banner and layout and I'm going to be sorting out business cards soon ahead of launching the site. I also need to get a bit of software to help me out as I only know some basic HTML.

But that will be super fun once I sort all the details out!


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